Institutional asset management 'made in Frankfurt' by Yellowfin

The boutique investment company for bespoke strategies
  • Professionally managed investment strategies with a long-standing track record
  • Individual concept creation based on the investor's specified investment guidelines
  • Support directly from the portfolio management team in Frankfurt

At a glance

Yellowfin Asset Management
  • Centralised decision-making and clear lines of responsibility are just two of the major advantages to working with a boutique investment company
  • Due to the unique position as part of Commerzbank AG, we guarantee consistently high process quality in the fields of compliance, legal, risk management and IT infrastructure
  • Our customer groups include large and medium-sized companies, pension funds and pension providers, ultra high net worth individuals & family offices, insurers, German Social Code Book IV (SGB IV) investors as well as foundations

Realise returns in any market environment – thanks to our know-how

Proven expertise in the institutional sector, even in times of crisis (e.g. in 2008, 2011, 2020, 2022)

Close collaboration with our portfolio management team in Frankfurt

Management of special fund mandates and mutual funds starting at a volume of €30 million

A vote of confidence from demanding clients

Companies, institutional investors, and ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWIs) have entrusted Yellowfin Asset Management with assets worth above €10 billion. Our investment team relies on proven investment models for overlay management, benchmark concepts and multi-asset.

Your contacts at Yellowfin Asset Management

Dr. Andreas Neumann, CIIA, CEFA
Tobias Zühlke
Manuel Kuhlisch, CIIA, CEFA

An overview of our services

The conceptMandates & mutual fundsInvestment decisions are implemented by the portfolio management team as part of an outsourcing mandate in special or mutual funds
Indicative time for implementationMandates & mutual funds4–6 weeks
Investment volumeMandates & mutual fundsStarting at € 30 million
PostingMandates & mutual fundsValue of special fund shares reflects the investment performance. Significantly lower posting efforts/costs for the company
Administration of fundsMandates & mutual fundsAttractive special conditions for the capital management company and the custodian through a broad network of partners
BenefitsMandates & mutual fundsClose support of the mandates by the portfolio management team of Yellowfin Asset Management, very flexible of strategies, low booking effort on investor side, individual management reporting

Our investment strategies

Each mandate is implemented individually with the respective customer specifications in the special fund or public fund.

Global Equity

Momentum-based regional allocation: this multi-factor model is geared towards highly liquid stocks with a favourable valuation, strong momentum, low volatility and attractive dividend yields.


A global take on investment for liquid asset classes, marrying three low-correlated multi-asset strategies in a consistent approach. Combined with liquid asset classes, these differentiated strategies ensure an additional layer of diversification.


Professional tracking-error management for stock and bond investments shrinks the investment universe and curbs tracking errors compared to the benchmark / the respective indices. Leverage controlled outperformance to earn back your administrative costs.

Euro fixed income

Active-quantitative strategy based on Commerzbank’s proprietary scorecard to help manage euro-denominated corporate bonds with an investment-grade rating, government bonds and covered bonds. This structured, process-driven top-down approach incorporates macro and market data.

Overlay management

Quantitative, rule-based models help hedge equity and commodity risks. Systematic processes ensure consistent investment decisions.